
FANS - choosing the right fan

Not sure how to choose the right fan for your home (bathroom, toilet, kitchen, pantry, garage, etc.)? We have prepared an overview of the fans we offer, including a description of the individual functions. If you are not sure even after reading our article, please do not hesitate to contact us at esvit@esvit.cz.

1.10.2014 | author: Jan Richter

Are you looking for suitable fans for your home or business? Then you will definitely be interested in our offer of fans from our e-shop http://www.svitidla-osvetleni-elektro.cz/vzduchotechnika-ventilatory-potrubi-zpetne-klapky

We offeraxial fans for different spaces - bathroom fansfans,toilet fans, duct fans orwindow fans. Among the main manufacturers of fans we could include the following companies VENTS,AIRFLOW LUFTTECHNIK or ELEKTRODESIGN.

What is a fan? A fan is a rotating machine with a paddle wheel or propeller used to transport and extract gases from a desired space.

Fans are designed for wall mounting(wall fans) or ceiling mounting(ceiling fans).and are available in different diameters (100mm, 125mm or 150mm diameter exhaust pipe) and with different power ratings. The choice of the appropriate fan depends on the size of the room to be ventilated and the duct mechanism used.Axial fans (fans where the air flows in the direction of the axis of rotation of the propeller and where a high airflow is required without highhigh pressure) are most commonly used in the homefor ducts with a maximum length of 3 metres and with a minimum number of pleats.

When choosing a suitable fan, we should consider what functions our fan should fulfil.

Pictogram Functions
Ventilátory s automatikou žaluzií Fans with automatic louvre control
Ventilátory s časovým doběhem Fans with timer
Ventilátory s tahovým vypínačem Fans with pull switch
Ventilátory s pohybovým senzorem Fans with motion sensor
Ventilátory s vlhkostním senzorem Fans with humidity sensor
Ventilátory s tichým chodem Fans with silent operation
Ventilátory s kuličkovými ložisky Fans with ball bearings
Ventilátory s turbo motorem Fans with turbo motor
Ventilátory na napětí 12V 12V fans

If you choose according to the lowest price and do not require special features, then you will be satisfied with a standard fanthat you simply connect to a conventional switch in the room and simply press the switch to start or stop the fan. If you don't have the possibility to connect the fan to a switch in the room, don't despair! The manufacturer has also thought of these cases and produces fans with a rope switch. Just connect these fans to a power source and simply pull the string to start or stop the fan.

Other types include time switch fans(The timer function consists of setting a period of time for which the fan will run. Using the time wheel, the interval can be set to range from 2 to 30 minutes. Thus, you start the fan with the classic button on the wall, but you do not switch it off anymore, but the fan switches itself off after the time interval has elapsed.

For places where neither a switch nor a rope switch can be used, there are fans with a motion sensor. The fan starts when it registers movement in the room. There is an additional function for switching off the fan, namely a timer. In this case, the fan runs from the time it registers motion until the time that is set on the timer (range from 2 to 30 minutes).

For bathrooms or places with a high concentration of humidity,fans with a humidity sensor (hygrostat) are used . The humidity sensor senses the set value of the relative humidity in the room within a certain set range. When the humidity reaches the limit value, the fan starts and when the humidity drops, the fan switches off. This function is usually still used with a timer. Thus, these arefans with a timer and humidity sensor, where multiple factors influence the fan operation. If the fan is started and the set time has elapsed, but the humidity in the room is within the critical range, the fan will continue to run until the humidity in that room drops.

A special case arelow voltage fans at 12V.They are used in hazardous areas where there is a risk of electric shock. The most common places are bathrooms, or the zone directly above the bath or shower up to a height of 2.25 metres.

For air distribution in longer ventilation ducts, the following are used duct fans. The fans are built directly into the ventilation duct. Simply select the correct diameter fan and then insert it between the two ends of the pipe.

Some types of fans also have ball bearings. Theseball bearing fans are suitable for more stressed environments where the fans run for longer periods of time. The bearings guarantee a longer life and with that comes the worry of more frequent repair or replacement of the fans. The claimed lifetime with these bearings is extended by 20 to 30 percent.

An integral part of the fans is the system ducting for air exhaust. For this system, we offer bothconventional rigid round PVC ducting and flexible ALUVENT ducting.

We offer additional accessories for the individual fans, such as return dampers. The function of the check damper is the same as that of a check valve, i.e. to ensure air flow only in one direction and not in the opposite direction.

Another type of accessories are reducers for fans and pipes. The best selling reducer is the universal multiple reducer. The advantage of this reduction is the possibility to adjust the size to your needs by simply cutting to the desired size, so you can connect the fan to a different diameter pipe.
